G5 Primetime is a fun place to work, and make big money. We are always looking to hire Waitresses.

    Job Requirements:

    Must have have a Valid ID
    Social Security Number
    Great Personality
    Sense of Style
    Looks Great wearing little to nothing.
    Must be at least 18 years of age.

    First Name: (required)

    Last Name: (required)

    Date of birth : (required)
    / /

    Social Security No.: (required)


    Bilingual English and Spanish:

    Phone: (required)

    Current Home Address: (required)




    Your Email (required)

    Government Issued ID / Drivers License:

    Have you ever been a waitress before?: (required)

    What clubs have you worked at?:

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?: (required)

    Are you TABC certified?:

    Bio, Tell us about yourself: (required)

    Reason for Wanting Job: (required)

    Your Facebook page:

    Your Snapchat name: (required)

    Your Instagram name: (required)

    Photo Requirements We require 3 current photos ( no older than 3 months ). These photos will be reviewed by management for the purpose of considering you for employment. These photos will be kept confidential.

    Head Shot: (required)

    Full Body: (required)

    Servers Outfit:


    Click here to view our Terms / Policies.

    By checking the "I Agree" box I acknowledge that I have read and accept the terms and policies of G5 Primetime. I understand that any violation of club policy, state or local laws is immediate grounds for termination. I affirm that all information submitted is true and correct.

    Applicant Acceptance and Consent:I AgreeI Disagree